The photo
above was taken on Thursday, October 2,
just six days after work began with the
erection of the fence!
Nine trees
have now been planted — 3 apple trees, 2
pears, and 4 plums — plus two hazleburt
shrubs. Blueberry bushes, three more
apples and a good many guild plants will
go in the ground during the next week or
so. Also, invasives around the perimeter
of the park will be cut back, creating a
little more space, and also more views
of the river.
Then the
pocket park will rest, but beds for
flowers and more shrubs have already
been prepared for spring planting. Also
in spring, we hope to acquire two
benches and plant more trees and
None of
this would be possible without the
help of many sponsors. They include
- E.C. Brown's Nursery
- Henderson's Nursery
- Northern Nurseries
- Longacre Nursery
- La Valley Building
- Chelsea Green
Publishers (Michael Phillip's "The
Holistic Orchard")
- Newton School
Farm-to-School Program
thanks go to the New England
Grassroots Environment Fund, Apple
Corps (for trees and inspiration), and
to a generous Strafford resident.
Also thanks go to the
Town of Strafford Board of Selectman
and the Recreation Board for use of
the land, and to Representative Jim
Masland for his encouragement and
takes a village to raise a child —
and also to develop a pocket park!