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Riding the Rockies — First Tour

We spent a night in Golden, B.C., a very pleasant town. Paragliders were flying around a nearby peak, and I wanted to get a ride, but Barbara talked me out of it. This was our first night in a B&B (below, left) since Jasper.

South of Golden, more beautiful cycling in the valley of the Columbia River (below).

At Radium Hot Springs, we turned north, cycling through Kootenay National Park to Banff. First, however, we stopped at the hostel below -- formerly a motel, now run by a young couple who bought it a few years ago and turned it into a hostel. Private rooms, not bad, very inexpensive.


Before heading for Banff, we hiked the Sinclair Pass trail. (Below and right) This really was a hike, and spectacular.

A good part of the cycling was in the valley of the Kootenay River (below left) and fairly easy. Then we had to ride over Vermillion Pass. Before this tour, we were anxious about the difficulty of climbing in the Rockies — especially on fully-loaded recumbents. However, you can see from the road diagram that grades at Vermillion Pass were mostly just 6% or 7%, long hills, but not terribly steep.



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